statistics 符號表

2011-12-24 7:34 am
我想搵statistics 符號表,要有符號同解釋,例如:n=number of observation is a sample,,,,急急急急我要做功課的, THANKS!

回答 (2)

2011-12-25 3:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
b = y intercept of a line CLT = Central Limit Theoremd = difference between paired datadf or ν “nu” =degrees of freedom in a Student’s t or χ² distributionE = maximum error of the estimatef = frequencyf/n = relative frequencyHo = null hypothesisHa or H1 = alternative hypothesisIQR = interquartile range,Q3−Q1m = slope of a linen = sample size, number of data points,or number of trials in a probability experiment
or nCx = number ofcombinations of n things taken x at a time = number ofdifferent ways you could pick x things whenyou have a set of n things to choose from and order doesn’tmatter.nPx = number ofpermutations of n things taken x at a timep = probability value.
P(A) = the probability of event A.
= probability of not-A, theprobability that A does not happenP(B | A) = the probabilitythat event B will happen, given that event A definitelyhappens.P80 or P80 =80th percentile (Pk orPk = k-th percentile)q = probability of failure in binomialdistribution, equal to 1 − pQ1 or Q1 = firstquartile (Q3 or Q3 =third quartile)R² = coefficient of determinationSEM = standard error of the mean (symbol isσx̄)SEP = standard error of the proportion (symbol isσp̂)SS( ) = sum of squares of deviations. x = a variable or a data value (raw score). ŷ “y-hat” = y value predicted fora given x by using the regression equationz = standard score or z-score. z(area) orzarea = the z-score, such that thatmuch of the area under the normal curve lies to the right of that z.This is not a multiplication!α “alpha” = significance level in hypothesistest, or acceptable probability of a Type I error ;1−α = confidence levelβ “beta” = in a hypothesis test, theacceptable probability of a Type II error;1−β is called the power of thetestσx̄ “sigma-sub-x-bar” = standard error of the mean σp̂ “sigma-sub-p-prime” = standard error of the proportion∑“sigma” = summation.χ² “chi-squared” = distribution formultinomial experiments and contingency tables
2011-12-24 10:46 pm
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