All about US visa

2011-12-23 10:08 pm
First, i got B1/B2 visa for 10 yrs.
and this year i got a Q1 visa to work for an internship in US.
and im going to leave in JAN 2012.
but i just met my boyfriend and we gonna get marry soon.
i hv a few questions to ask.
because i gonna go back to HK on schedule and coming back to US in APR 2012.

1) As i got the B2 visa already, do i need to provide round trip ticket to US official when i enter US to show them im going to go back to HK? ( but in fact i would marry after i go to US) or i just need to tell them i gonna visit friends and they will provide me a period to stay.?

2) After i come back to US and marry with my boyfriend, can i work immediately legally? or i need to wait until the green card approval? since i already got the social security no, and i had a working visa before, would that help ?

that's all i need to ask for now, wait for a prompt reply! thanks!

my boyfriend is a green card holder, so after our marriage, he suppose to apply me the identification, so i could stay, right?


so if i enter the US again with my travel visa, since my boyfriend can apply as a citizen, so i help him to pass the citizen test, and we get marry. so i can stay because he become a citizen , right?


so i would like to know, when i enter US, can i just travel with one way ticket? would it be possible for US officials to deny my entry? or i need to provide them round trip ticket to let them believe i would back to HK? is it neccessary for me to purchase round trip?


but as long as i already had a travel visa, i don't need to provide my bank statement when i enter US? i just afraid that they will deny my entry.

回答 (2)

2011-12-25 11:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
Your background information is incomplete.

At the least you have to say why you think you are eligible to stay after marriage.

2011-12-25 08:58:38 補充:
Not at all.

Only citizen can sponsor spouse which can make them stay after marriage.

For you, you will have to wait for couples of years.

2011-12-26 05:17:21 補充:
Wait until he becomes a citizen...

2011-12-27 17:01:26 補充:
You will need round-trip ticket.

2011-12-30 00:08:44 補充:
I don't know why you think you can stay.

Simply you can't stay at all. So you need a roundtrip ticket.
2012-01-02 5:55 am

直系親屬你要年滿21歲或以上,才能為家庭成員遞交申請書。袓父母、姑母姨母、叔伯、姻親及堂或表兄弟姊妺均不能申請親屬移民。IR1/CR1 - 美國公民的配偶

家人團聚移民簽證個人為家庭成員遞交移民簽證申請書一定要年滿21歲或以上。袓父母、姑母姨母、叔伯、姻親及堂或表兄弟姊妺均不能申請親屬移民。請注意﹕此簽證類別每年有限額 -- 有關輪候時間表,請看 Visa Bulletin(英文)。F2A - 合法永久居民的配偶和未成年子女(英文)

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