a maths question please?

2011-12-22 10:48 am
hi people, I'm quite lost about this question, could u offer me some help pls? thanks ^-^
so the question is:
a compact disc spins at a rate of 200 to 500 revolutions per minute. what are the equivalent rates measured in radians per second?

thanks for your help and merry christmas people ^-^

回答 (8)

2011-12-22 11:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
200 revs/min is 200/60 revs/second => 10/3 revs/sec

500 revs/min is 500/60 revs/second => 25/3 revs/sec

1 revolution is 2π radians

so, 20π/3 rads/sec and 50π/3 rads/sec

2011-12-22 7:52 pm
1 rps = 2PI rad/sec
60rpm = 2PI rad/sec

1. 200 rpm = 200 x 2PI / 60
= 20.94 rad/sec
2. 500 rpm = 500 x 2PI / 60
= 52.33 red/sec.

please check it.
thanks and advance merry christmas.

2011-12-22 7:07 pm
spins at a rate = 200 - to - 500 revolutions per minute

spins at a rate = 200/60 - to - 500/60 r.p.sec

spins at a rate = 200*2pi/60 - to - 500*2pi/60 radian/sec

spins at a rate = 20.943 - to - 52.36 radians/sec >=====< ANSWER
2011-12-22 6:56 pm
let x be the rate of the spin of the CD

200x2pi/60 = 20pi/3

500x2pi/60 = 50pi/3

20pi/3 ≤ x ≤ 50pi/3
2011-12-22 6:55 pm
1 revolution = 360 degrees = 2*pi radians

200 rev = 200 * 2 * pi radians

500 revolutions = 500 * 2 * pi radians

1 min = 60 sec

angular velocity = angle / time rad/sex

hence, the angular velocity is between : 400pi / 60 rad/sec and (1000 * pi ) / 60 rad/sec

or: 20.943951 rad/sec and 52.3598776 rad/sec
2011-12-22 6:54 pm
a compact disc spins at a rate of
200 rpm = 200*2 pi / 60 radians per second = (20/3) pi radians per decond ANSWER
to 500 rpm = (5/2)(20/3) pi rad/sec = 50/3 pi radians per second ANSWER
2011-12-22 6:53 pm
well 1 revolutin = 2π
and as we know 1 min = 60 sec
so if speed is 200 rev/min
then it becomes 200* 2π / 1*60 = 6.66π rad/sec

if it is 400 revolution then answers will be 13.32π rad/sec
2011-12-22 6:51 pm
God bless you.

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