作文200字 題目(自學)

2011-12-22 11:07 pm
作文200字 題目(自學) 作文200字 題目(自學) 作文200字 題目(自學) 作文200字 題目(自學) 作文200字 題目(自學) 作文200字 題目(自學) 作文200字 題目(自學) 作文200字 題目(自學) 作文200字 題目(自學) 作文200字 題目(自學)

回答 (1)

2012-01-08 6:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
我的名字是(吳穎欣)。我是一個小六 ( 或其他 ) 的十二歲女孩。我精力充沛,樂觀,從不會放棄。我有(數目)位家人,他們是我的父親,母親,(兄弟姐妹),我喜歡與他們分享我的快樂和憂愁。我最喜歡的運動是打羽毛球和排球。做運動讓我變得更健康。除此以外,我喜歡吃冰淇淋和壽司,因為他們非常美味。此外,我很友善,我愛結交朋友,並與他們分.享我的感受。談到我的夢想,我希望能成為一個老師,因為教導他人知識是一份非常有意義的工作。經過我的介紹後,希望你能更了解我。

My name is (Ng Wing Yan). I am a (twelve-year-old) girl that studies in primary six (or others). I am energetic and optimistic that I never give up.There are (number) members in my family, they are my father, mother, (siblings) and I. I love sharing my happiness and sadness with them. My favourite sports are playing badminton and table-tennis. Playing them makes my body becomes healthier. Other than these, I love eating ice-cream and sushi since they are very delicious. Moreover,I am friendly that I love making friends and share my feelings with them. Comes to my dream, I want to be a teacher in the future since teaching others knowledge is a very meaningful job. Hope you can know more about me after ym introduction.

Hope I can help you!
參考: 我

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