About orthodontics ? (brace and Invisalign)?

2011-12-22 2:46 am
I'm adult , I hope to accept orthodontia ,

But there has brace and invisalign , I don't know which one better ?

somebody have same experience ?

回答 (2)

2011-12-22 2:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
Invisalign is a brand name for a type of braces. You should ask the recommendation of your orthodontist. He/she will be able to suggest what will work best for your situation. If you have a choice, they can also tell you the price difference. Listen to your orthodontist.
2016-11-14 4:05 pm
Braces basically harm for the 1st week. it might desire to be slightly sore to devour something it fairly is gonna make you bite. If it does harm take discomfort killers, like Ibuprofen, Tylenol. ect. additionally in case you get sores your Ortho could provide you some particular wax to help the inflammation. solid success. desire this helps (:

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