No matter what I eat I'm still hungry! ?

2011-12-22 2:26 am
Today I have had so much food to eat, but whatever I eat I'm still hungry! Whats wrong with me?

回答 (12)

2011-12-22 2:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
You might be getting your period soon.
2011-12-22 10:31 am
Pregnant or you just came off Zoloft.
Depression, anger, stress.
2011-12-22 5:26 pm
Eat some whey protein.
2011-12-22 2:18 pm
I would love to see a list of exactly what you HAVE eaten.
What you consider enormous amount of food might not be.
And if you are eating lots of certain veggies, they don't even count when counting calories for weight loss or diabetics because they are THAT low in calories.
To feel full you need a well rounded meal. A protein source(about 3 ounces per meal) a whole grain carb source and at least 2 veggies items.
Pasta with tomato sauce and meat alternative meatballs, a nice tossed salad and some fruit for dessert is a nice well rounded meal.
if all you have been eating are the salad and fruit part, you will always feel hungry.
2011-12-22 12:55 pm
are you eating any protein???

also, does this happen often or just today.

sometimes i will have a day like that where nothing seems to satisfy me. it is mysterious. (if its just one day dont worry about it)
2011-12-22 10:50 am
You may have a too fast metabolism.
2011-12-22 10:34 am
No serious problem. I get those days too. Oddly enough, it's typically on Tuesday. >.>
2011-12-22 10:33 am
I have a lot of money /cash , but is not enough , I'm still poor !

I think is same meaning .
2011-12-22 10:27 am
you're probably pregnant
2011-12-22 10:33 am
Do you have a boyfriend? Have you has s3x? If so u just might b pregnant. So go out and buy and test, if your not pregnant than its just your hormones.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 09:38:52
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