
2011-12-21 8:47 am

如拾荒=偷竊, 咁算係偷邊個嘅嘢?


平日政府又有叫人響應環保, 但係原來又唔可以隨意執拾可再用物品去作為循環再用, 咁咪即係自打嘴巴? 咁如果我見到有環保團體去收集棄置物去再造, 我係咪可以報警叫警察拉晒佢哋? 拾荒=廢物利用=環保=偷竊???!!! 鞋道我每次發現有合用嘅丟棄物想拎嚟循環再用, 我每次都要先拎去警局話我執到去落案, 再等3個月冇人認領先再去警局拎?? 我實在好唔明白到底點介定~

回答 (4)

2011-12-21 9:50 am
✔ 最佳答案

It is constituted as stealing from the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department.

The reason is when the previous owner throw the item away, his/her intention is to dispose it - so the ownership has transferred to the Government, which collect disposal, that they can do whatever they want to.

The only way to distinguish is the previous owner has to explicitly express that anyone can take it (but it will get into another legal issue).

2011-12-21 15:49:55 補充:
They are totally different.

Your drop off or the organization collect the item is totally fine. The issue is you pick up something without others' approval.

Sorry to say - if you are following the law, it is the environmental friendly.
2011-12-23 12:07 am
哈哈, 丟進垃圾箱的東西就明顯是物主不想要的, 這些就當然可以拾取了; 另外, 如回答朋友所言, 已經向原物主查詢並獲得許可後, 亦可以拾取.

至於你身上有隻金表, 我想拿去金行那裡「循環再用」, 請問你又會不會同意先?
2011-12-21 7:29 pm
1. 拾荒不等如偷竊的;
2. 偷另一名拾荒者的東西;
3. 我會這樣介定: 丟棄在垃圾站和垃圾桶內和桶旁的物件都是可以檢拾的, 除了別人的銀包外.
至於超級市場, 便利店丟掉的東西如紙皮, 到期食品, 你可以問吓: 『哥哥, 有冇紙皮盒呀?』或者『姐姐, 啲紙皮盒攞唔攞得呀?』.
2011-12-21 3:21 pm
拾荒== 收拾垃圾或殘餘物或殘留物。這裡有兩種解釋(一)清道夫的清理垃圾;(二)窮人或乞丐的拾取垃圾或菜葉,菜根等為糧食。

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