
2011-12-20 5:33 am
急!!! 請求英文翻譯,不要用Google翻譯plz

因本人英文+英文的文法不太好 所以尋求有心人幫幫手翻譯以下這段文字

因這段文字對本人非常重要 請別使用翻譯網翻譯/ \ 謝謝

轉到了 travel channel ,她哭了 ! 她看到了她的夢想 :
在海的旁邊有一棟自己的小木屋 , 屋旁有棵水果樹 ,

感謝有心人回答 在下無以為報 請接受我的點數 謝謝!!!

回答 (3)

2011-12-20 7:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Tuned in(1) Travel Channel and then she weeped(2)! She caught(3) her dream:
A own wooden cottage(4) just stood(5) alongside the sea and a fruit tree was planted(6) over there.
Bikini girls were paddling(7) and swimming by the seashore(8), sunbathing on the beach.
Somebodies were riding in sailing boats(9) or surfing(10).
And a variety(11) of marine creatures(12) was deep in the sea.

Tuned in:"tune in" 指轉台(頻度)至。 weeped:"weep" 指哭泣(可以以意思甚為接近的 "cry" 替代,)。 caught:"catch" 指偶然發現或撞見(不是指捉到、捉住)。 cottage:小屋(指郊外小屋) stood:"stand" 指坐落。 planted:"plant" 指種植。 paddling:"paddle" 指(用手腳)玩水(不是指划船)。 seashore:海岸。 sailing boats:帆船(應指較小型的)。 surfing:"surf" 指衝浪。 variety:指種種。 creatures:指生物(可以以意思接近的 "life forms" 替代,)。



2011-12-20 11:53:34 補充:
補充:"deep inside" 是指根本上(或到事情或問題的核心)、實際上、在本質或本體上的意思。
(引自英文《維基詞典》的解釋是:fundamentally, in essence, in reality, really。還有,fundamentally 引自自英文《維基詞典》的解釋是:to the very core of the matter)
參考: 苗克阿肯
2011-12-20 12:35 pm
She changed to the travel channel, she cried for seeing her dream! There was a small wooden house by the seaside, with a fruit tree planted there. Girls wearing binikis were playing in the water near the coast, and sunbathing on the beach. All kinds of marine species were deep inside the sea.
2011-12-20 5:48 am
Go to the travel channel, she cried! She saw her dream:Next to the sea have a their own cabin, there is a fruit tree beside the House,Shore wearing a Bikini girl playing in the water, bathed in sunshine and beaches,Hai was also pulling in sailing, surfing.Sea-there are a variety of marine life

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