
2011-12-19 8:06 am

if you will be on leave during the period from Dec 31, 2011 to Jan 3, 2012, would you please send us the XX report to us in advance, or who can I contact so that I can finish my monthly YY report on time. Thanks.

但這樣寫會否沒什麼禮貌,以及"who can I contact.."和前面連接起來似有問題。有沒有更好的說法。

回答 (4)

2011-12-19 2:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案

真係衰在前面正式(pls+in advance),後面同朋友傾偈咁,的確冇乜禮貌.而且中英文有少少唔同意思,我唔知執個英文好,定自己再譯好啫
I am afraid that the end the beginning of the year starts from Dec.31 2011 to Jan. 3, 2012, you will be having a holiday, that I cannot obtain the information for monthly report/xx report(你要資料定要報告?). Therefore, I would be grateful if you could hand in the report before your holiday or supply a person in charge for contact. Thank you(你中文都冇).
2011-12-19 11:53 pm
who can I contact should be "made contact with".
Dear Sir/Madam,
As the monthly report be due on Dec 31,I appreciate if you or anyone else arranged while you're away,would send the necessary XXReport/information prior your vacation leave Dec 31-Jan 3, so that I'll be able to complete the YYReport on time.
2011-12-19 11:38 pm
If the end of the year and the years since (if December 31 to January 3), worried that a monthly vacation colleagues report the information required is not available, asked him about the situation, if we are really leave, asked him whether the report early to us, or who may be asking.復原編輯Thank you!!
2011-12-19 1:29 pm
Mr.So and So or Philips how are you ? Recently, I have learned that you'll be on vacation leave from Dec. 31st this year to Jan. 3rd in the coming year. As I need to prepare for the monthly report and would like to ask whether you or anyone else are responsible to supply the details. If so please give it to me piror to your leave so that will be able to complete the report in time. Many thanks.

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