
2011-12-19 12:18 am
Implementation of Minimum Wage
Employers pressed the Minimum Wage Commission (最低工資委員會) to keep the HK$28-an-hour level amid a gloomy business forecast.

Chinese General Chamber of Commerce (香港中華總商會) vice chairman David Fong Man-hung said the wage level should remain unchanged because there may be business uncertainties next year, adding that a pay rise would push up inflation.

But the Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions called for the minimum wage to be raised to HK$33 per hour due to the high inflation rate.

Imagine yourself as a cashier in a local supermarket. Would you support the implementation of minimum wage? Why or why not?

Write in about 80 words.

回答 (3)

2011-12-19 3:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
I do support the implementation of minimum wage.Firstly,I can have enough money to pay for tthe dairy essential.After the measure launched,I can have a better life than before.Secondly,I do think that the one who work should get more than the one who get CSSA.as you know,some one who get CSSA is actually receive more than me.It is really unfair.Thirdly,this can help to minize the wealth gap in Hong Kong.Our society may become more placeful after the implementation launched
參考: myself
2011-12-19 8:05 am

I would not support the implenentation of minimum wage, because if all of us would want $33, but then a great proportion of us would get fired, one person
would be left to work very hard, or all of us are on shift, who work very short and uncertain time which would make you cannot find another job. That would

not be a good idea to workers, therefore the implementation should either be raised, which would make everyone have no choice or cancel the implementation directly.
2011-12-19 12:54 am
do that yourself.No one will do your homework!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
參考: me

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