Non-easy indefinite integral

2011-12-17 10:58 pm
∫ (x+3)³ * sinx * sin^-1(x) dx

回答 (3)

2011-12-24 7:19 pm
2011-12-18 8:45 am
This is not non-easy
It is impossible to do
You should know that, many integral cannot be evaluated, such as error function.

The only possible way to do that is Taylor expanion.


The higher degree can make the coeff reduce. the series is the exact form of f(x) when degree of the polynomial lend to inf

Therefore, you can easily integrate this f(x)

Here is the result (taylor expansion up to x^15)


Defined integral can be very easy to handle it.
This indefinite integral seem to be useless.

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