letter of advise

2011-12-16 3:58 am
我要寫letter of advice
1.chris 's result is not good.His mother asks his to attend a nearby tutorial centre but he don't want to waste his time there.what sould he do?
第2個係.佢鍾意左玩capoeira.但由於佢成績差.佢呀ma話佢再improve his result.就唔比佢出街玩capoeira.每次佢同mama talk.mama just goes away.

唔好比點樣improve result既方法我.係唔關事的



回答 (1)

2011-12-16 3:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1a Chris should go, because it does not seem that he has a good method to improve his results, so he should listen to his mother.
b However, if Chris can find a useful way to imprve his results, he can ask his mother to postpone the tutorial centre for one term.
2a Capoeira is a good sport that is good for health and will improve studies in long term(對身體好,長遠對讀書有幫助)
b capoeira is also an OLE(other learning experience) which acts the same as extra-curricular activities, which is a part of school results(課外活動影響學校成績)
3忘羊補牢,未為晚也:it is never too late英文冇呢句,但有句意思一樣(永遠唔會太遲)

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