What grade does the average person take the PSATs?

2011-12-15 1:10 am
I took the PSAT's on October and I'm in 8th grade. I've heard that this is supposed to be an 11th grade exam. Is this true?

回答 (2)

2011-12-15 10:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The only PSAT that counts is the one that you take in October during 11th grade. It is the only one that counts toward National Merit scholarships, unless there are special circumstances, like starting college early. Many schools have students take practice PSAT tests so they can get used to taking the test, so when they take the test when it counts, in 11th grade, they'll be less stressed and hopefully do well.

Good luck!
2011-12-15 9:25 am
I took them in 10th grade, so I would know what to expect when I took the SAT. Some people take them in 9th and I know a few kids who took them in 8th. There is nothing wrong with being prepared. Those who wait until 11th grade are usually the kids that determine the "national average" on the SAT later in the year.
參考: prior knowledge

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