It is rude to bring your own chopsticks to a restaurant?

2011-12-15 12:00 am
I absolutely LOVE eating out at Chinese and Japanese restaurants. (Probably more than is really healthy for me. Ha.) While I eat at these restaurants I like to use chopsticks, so I recently found some nice, plastic chopsticks that I want as my own. However, I'm just wondering if it would be considered rude if you bring your own chopsticks to the restaurant. I've looked up other answers and some say yes it is rude, some say no it's not. The restaurants we eat at automatically bring out forks and knives and whatnot but I'm just wondering if the owners or workers would be offended if I used my own chopsticks. Regardless, I'll probably eventually own those chopsticks I want. It would just be nice to know ahead of time what to expect before I bring them in the restaurant to eat. Thanks!

回答 (7)

2011-12-15 12:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
I wouldn't imagine so. From what I noticed a lot of asian restaurants use disposable chopsticks. (Oh, just noticed this is part of your point - so we are on the same track) So if you have good ones that you don't mind carrying with you then go for it. I know if my favourite eatery only had plastic forks I would consider carrying my own fork their too. And same think with mugs. It is becoming more common to bring in your own mug instead of using their disposable cups.
2011-12-15 12:04 am
The restaurant doesn't care. Many Asian people own and carry their own chopsticks. It's pretty common. No restaurant worker is going to be looking at your chopsticks.
2011-12-15 12:25 am
I understand why you would want to. I used to live in Eastern Europe. Asking for chopsticks there meant they dragged out used wooden ones they had washed. Nasty.

Why would the restaurant care what you eat with, as long as you don't offend other guests.
2016-02-21 12:21 pm
Honestly, nobody would care, even in some really high end restaurants.

I live in Asian (Hong Kong and Tibet) and carry my own chopsticks with me in the past two years, I never use those disposable chopsticks, and use mine instead. I don't think you even have to ask for permission to use your own chopsticks.

And I would feel very offended if someone tried to interrupt my eating for using my own chopsticks, no it never happen.
2011-12-15 12:13 am
No. Now if you brought your own forks or knives, or started washing them before using them. I would find that offensive. But since most chopsticks in US restaurants are in little paper thingies and designed for one use only, I don't see a problem with bringing your own.
2011-12-15 12:03 am
No why would it be?
2011-12-15 12:07 am
Every time you go to a different restaurant, just ask the server if it would be ok and/or acceptable. After 5 or six you should get a pretty good concensus as th their attitudes. I always use chopsticks but the wooden ones they provide. Just make sure to rub them together to get the splinters off. Just because they bring Western utensils doesn't mean they don't have chopsticks. Ask.
參考: experience

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