psychology 與 perception有沒有分別

2011-12-15 4:07 am
1. psychology of taste
2. perception of taste

回答 (3)

2011-12-16 7:26 pm
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類似營養師要讀好多書,香港好似重冇得讀.營養顧問讀個課程,就可以幫人減肥賺錢,因為香港制度唔嚴,你冇讀過味覺心理學,寫篇文,就叫perception of taste,psycology of taste係要讀嘅專業科.
2011-12-15 8:47 pm
Difference between the two terms is one in the what actual stimuli received by the taste buds while the other is what your mind think.
The stimuli of taste are chemical substances dissolved in water or other fluids. It can be described as four basic sensations, sweet, sour, salty, andbitter, which can be combined in various ways to make all other taste sensations. There are courses available to teach the appreciation of taste of food.
Unlike psychology of taste, perception of taste is more in your mind think which can base on your past experience and what you learn from others.
2011-12-15 5:38 am
psychology of taste=品味心理學
perception of taste=品味的知覺
psychology of taste not=perception of taste

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