
2011-12-15 2:27 am

回答 (2)

2011-12-15 10:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Q: 我想知voltmeter係點樣運作?我只知voltmeter係量p.d.,但係佢點樣量度?

The operation of a voltmeter is based on the principle of Ohm's Law.

The core of a voltmeter is a moving coil galvanometer. In order to measure voltage, a high resistance resistor is connected in series with the moving coil metre (this resistor is called a multipler). The "resistor and moving coil metre arrangement" then forms a voltmetre. By Ohm's Law, assuming the internal resistance of the metre is negligibly small compared with the connected resistor,

V = I.R, where V is the voltage across the connected series resistor R, I is the current flows through the metre.

Hence, the voltage across R (which is, to a good approximattion, the voltage to be measured), is proportional to the current I that passes through the metre.

Q: 同埋佢電阻值由無限大到低電阻會點影響佢個reading?

As explained above, for a fixed current passing through the moving coil metre, the value of V (the voltage to be measued), depends very much on the resistance of the resistor connected to the metre. Using a high resistance enables high voltage to be measured. Connecting a low resistance enables a low voltage to be measured with higher precision.

Having said that, the resistance used in the voltmeter shall always be high as compared with the resistance in the circuit to be measured in order to not interfere with the original condition of the circuit.

2011-12-15 3:35 am

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