請幫忙翻譯. 十萬火急!!!

2011-12-15 1:26 am
15歲少年搵快錢代人帶毒中學男生為搵快錢揮霍享樂,受毒品利誘淪為帶家。一名十五歲少年前晚帶毒到九龍灣一商場時,被預先埋伏探員拘捕,起出一批價值十二萬元的毒品K仔,揭發他涉每次以五百元酬勞代人帶毒。 有社工提醒青少年,不要妙想天開以為「年紀細,唔會咁易畀人拉」,加入毒販行列,因為法庭對毒販絕不手軟,隨時重判賠上一生青春。

回答 (3)

2011-12-15 4:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
15-year-old trafficking in drug to make easy money

A 15-year-old boy make easy money in order to squandered pleasure,he be lured by the drug and became a drug dealer.Last night, when he went to a shopping mall with worth $ 120,000 ketaminein in Kowloon Bay,he was arrested by pre-ambush officers .It revealed he gained$ 500 per once to smuggle drug.

Some social workers remind youngers, don't foolish thinking that "I'm young,and it's improbable to be jailed", He adding.''Once you join the dealing drug work,It's penitential that you need to pay your hold life.
參考: my wisdom
2011-12-16 1:46 am
15-year-old make quick money on behalf of the people infected

High school boys make quick money squandered pleasure, reduced by the drug inducement with home. A 15-year-old boy last night, when lifting, to a shopping mall in Kowloon Bay, was pre-ambush officers arrested a shipment of drugs worth $ 120,000 K Tsai, revealed his involvement on behalf of each person $ 500 reward carriers of the virus.

Some social workers remind young people, not wishful thinking that the "old fine, Well who would give me a pull Easy Link", adding the ranks of drug traffickers, drug traffickers because of the court not hesitate at any time to re-Panpei youth on life.
參考: 其實只要到GOOGLE翻譯系統就可以進行翻譯~
2011-12-15 2:01 am
15-year-old make quick money on behalf of the people infected school boys to make quick money squandered pleasure, reduced by the lure of drugs couriers. A 15-year-old boy last night, when lifting, to a shopping mall in Kowloon Bay, was pre-ambush officers arrested a shipment of drugs worth $ 120,000 K Tsai, revealed his involvement on behalf of each person $ 500 reward carriers of the virus.

Some social workers remind young people, not wishful thinking that the "old fine, Well who would give me a pull Easy Link", adding the ranks of drug traffickers, drug traffickers because of the court not hesitate at any time to re-Panpei youth on life.

2011-12-15 16:43:02 補充:
세의 마약의 특사의 유혹에 의해 감소 빠른 돈을 낭비 즐거움을 만들어 학교 애들 감염된 사람을 대신하여 빠른 수익을 창출하십시오.15 살 소년 어젯밤, 리프팅 때, 구룡 베이의 쇼핑몰로, 120000달러 K 영 가치가 약물 운송을 체포 미리 매복 임원되었다 각 사람 500달러 보상 대신에 자신의 참여를 발표 바이러스 보균자

어떤 사회 복지사가 있기 때문에 법원의 마약 상, 마약 밀매의 순위를 추가, 좀 끌어 쉬운 링크를 제공하게 잘 된 좋은가"다시 청소년의 삶에서 언제든지 주저하지 아니 희망찬 생각을 젊은 사람을 생각나게 해요
參考: 我=), 韓文, 韓文

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