英文, 短短幾秒時間內聽清楚來電者嘅全名同公司名

2011-12-14 12:40 am
有咩方法可以係短短幾秒時間內聽清楚及記低晒d發音? 我係做recept, 但宜家尼間公司好多英文人, 每次轉線入去比同事時, 一定要講邊個打黎(全名) 同邊間公司, 有時外國公司名水蛇春咁長, d姓嘅發音又怪, 要係好短時間mark低晒真係好難, 學拼音有無用?想有禮貌問人地打黎關於咩事要點問? (因為有時有d獵頭agent公司我要block)

回答 (1)

2011-12-14 2:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
If you work in a reception centre in a place where callers can get information or advice from your co.; learn telephone manners.Learn how to pick up phone call and improve your listening skills. Cope with callers 'request by saying you are lacking experience,need to repeat again.For pronunciation involved in these three as examples:-
(1)Miss Janet Baker----of Bulldozer,photolink Ltd.
(2)Mr.David D.Frazier----of Creative-Act-Technology series co.
(3)J J Warrington ----of Corbiso Corporation ,Italia.
Persuade somebody to help you in computer,in pronunciations in the three unreal eg above.
For the special phone-call,the answer:-Sorry,our company team do not accept a recruitment co. call.You want me scorn by my Boss if I put you through,thru?

2011-12-13 20:01:12 補充:
Agent would not say who they were.
Any agent arrested refused to identify themselves
Colleague cant recognize who agent are
Colleague have not identified an agent for the co.
Agent should not identify with colleague!

2011-12-13 20:15:31 補充:
May I know this call intention?NOT regarding for?
Agent intended colleague no harm?
What exactly did you intend as an Agent?
My agent list not intended to be a complete one.
Sorry,my colleague is not intended for Agent.

2011-12-14 01:17:38 補充:
Which agency do you represent?
Which agency do you act on?
Our company has agencies all over the World.(=same,same.)
An agent cant function on my colleague(or negotia with)
Sorry my colleague doesn't need an agent.Dont call again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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