
2011-12-13 8:36 pm
1. Tom是我們division的新同事。請問一下你能否幫他開通我們division應有的權限,讓他能處理日常的工作。
Tom is our new colleague in our team. Would you please help us to grant her the relevant access right so that she can be in charge of her operating work.

2. 以下句子意思是否相同,或有沒有錯:
a. XX expense is different between Nov and Dec.
b. Dec XX expense is different from Nov's (假若我不用Nov expense又是否正常).

3. 這餘額跟之前我寄給你的報告相同。
This balance is same as the balance which was sent to you before. (超級奇怪,我知肯定是錯的)

回答 (1)

2011-12-16 1:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Tom是我們division的新同事。請問一下你能否幫他開通我們division應有的權限,讓他能處理日常的工作。
Tom is (the) new colleague in our team. Would you please grant (him) the relevant access right (of our division) so that (he) can (operate his daily) work.

2. 以下句子意思是否相同,或有沒有錯:
a. XX expense is different (in) Nov and Dec.
b. (Dec's) XX expense is different from Nov's
(In this case, the two sentences have the same meaning).

3. 這餘額跟之前我寄給你的報告相同。
This balance is (the) same as the balance which was sent to you before.

4. I am not sure what are you asking for. But I think it is possible to do so.

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