Need to vent! any advice would be nice?

2011-12-12 10:40 pm
My boyfriend and i are both juniors in high school. We have been dating for 2 years straight plus on and off previously. We both care a lot for each other obviously, we did break up once for like 24 hours because he claimed we were fighting too much and i made him feel like an *** and he couldn't take it. Plus he hasn't even kissed anyone other than me so he has had issues with wanting to see other people, witch i understand i guess. And that 24 hours later he decided being without me was too much pain so of course we talked things through and we both still loved each other. But lately he's been going to party's every weekend and i didn't like that so i almost broke up with him because of this but i decided i was just being jealous and worrying too much because i went with him to one of these "party's" and it wasn't as bad as i thought. So now i feel bad for being so mad, and not i'm afraid he's going to break up with me because we were fighting again. But since then we have been getting along and everything.. and i have been thinking and i realized i really like love him, and we have kinda talked about promise rings before and i told him only 1 year of dating is too soon. and now it's going to be 2 years. So like idk i feel like i want one, but at the same time i'm afraid he'll have second thoughts about us. And i don't want to straight up tell him i want one because i want him to want to give me one, ya know? I just have so many mixed

回答 (7)

2011-12-12 10:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Ok, you are overthinking everything. Boys are dumb; you have to tell them exactly what you want. If you want a promise ring, and you are sure let him know. Don’t force him into anything, just put it out there. Stop fighting and being insecure. Focus on your own life. Spend time together, then when he is out with his friends, go out with yours. Think about college…get a hobby! If you trust him all is well. If you don’t you shouldn’t be together anyways. Be kind and if you truly love one another everything will be fine.
2011-12-13 6:46 am
Oh my gawd... U guys r like meant for eachother... <3 (:
2011-12-13 6:44 am
How do you build a lasting relationship? It's the art of compromise. Besides that, you have to tell each other everything. Intimate you know. I don't mean sleep w each other. Trust the person. If you tell them something it stays between you two.
2011-12-13 6:44 am
Go with your gut!
2011-12-13 10:17 am
sorry to me a "promise ring" is meaningless ---- either commit to each or not and its not about age its about how you feel ---- the only rings that have meaning to me are engagement and wedding rings --- im not suggesting talk about marriage now what i am saying is that its meaningless ---- go out enjoy each others company but be aware that when you leave school and get out in the real world a promise ring hold no promises maybe only heartbreak ---- yes talk to each other resolve your problems or break up if you cant ---- taking a break is never a good idea because the issues are still there merely ignored ---- so enjoy what you have and see what happens in the future ---- best wishes
2011-12-13 6:50 am
Promise rings are a waste of money! It seems like he could break up with you too. You're a junior, he's not quite mature yet. What if you want to break up with him? And if it is true love and meant to be, you won't need promise rings to stay together, forever.

"If you love something, let it go. If it comes back, it's yours."
參考: Pls answer my question. I had to extend the expiration because the only answer I got was useless and rude. If you could answer and report the bad answer, you are basically guaranteed the 10 points for best answer!:;_ylt=Ap6bTvY0g.uHQCU2adZwL2bty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20111207150143AANZHfT
2011-12-13 6:46 am
Look Im no exept on dating but he seems to be afraid of loosing you. Plus,this is the kicker, your in high school so why fight. Im a sophomor and I've never fought with a girlfriend.
-Hes just irritated,but do what will please you. If it means pleaseing him then take the ring.

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