A person I know who is separated yet still married is spending more time with one of his female students?

2011-12-12 2:53 pm
He is 61 and she is 33. The person I know lives in the same development as me and it was by accident that I discovered his art studen'ts car parked at his house. Since that discovery her car has been seen very frequently at his house. I know the guy pretty well and he has a history. When I asked him about his relationship with this woman (who by the way is married) he at first denied her being at his house. Then he admitted that she was over his house for mentoring. He gave some rambling explanation that she wanted to learn as much as possible about painting before she got pregnant but that she and her husband are having problems conceiving. He told me that I could not repeat this information. Then he went on to say that he did not want sexual relations with his student but then stated he did not want to live a loveless life. It was a pretty odd response and seemed crazy. After the discussion about his relationship those two backed off and she did not show up as much at the art school. But now it has been several months since the discussion and they have resumed their behavior and can be seen together quite frequently. They show up together very early before classes and stay late after classes. There is more eye contact between them and hushed communications. They park their cars next to one another. They are always together in the building. She dotes on him and does menial tasks for him. She is at his house more now. The crazy thing is that his student studied painting with him since she was a girl. She left for college, got married and returned to take up art classes again. Rumors have circulated about this guy going after his younger students. Rumors were in fact substantiated and proof surfaced of his having innapropriate sexual relations with his younger female students (one of them was even a teenager and he was married at the time.) My question is does it appear that something is going on between this man and his student? Knowing what I know about him should I warn this woman about him or just let her get herself and her reputation into trouble?

Ok some of you are asking why should this be my business. Fair question. The reason is because this guy to liberties with me and made physical sexual advances at me. He was my teacher too. He took advantage of his position and got away with it because of his "professional reputation."

回答 (10)

2011-12-12 2:58 pm
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I would say that these two individuals are involved with eachother. I'd give them both a heads up and and if they don't change anything in the next week then trash there reputation. She deserves it and so does he.
2011-12-12 10:56 pm
I say let them make their own mistakes. People never learn by getting it right.
2011-12-12 11:03 pm
You're not going to like this answer but...mind your business.
2011-12-12 10:59 pm
Yes it does and no, it is none of your business. Nothing good can come out of you opening your mouth. She is 35, a grown woman able to make her own decisions. If she gets burned then it is her fault not yours for not saying anything.
2011-12-12 11:04 pm
I am trying to figure out why any of this is Your bussiness. He id 61 and she 33 they are both mature adults. Even if she is married she maybe having issues in her marriage. I am thinking you are nosey with no life of our own. Or maybe you like this guy. Leave them alone and worry about your self.
2011-12-12 11:27 pm
"just let her get herself and her reputation into trouble", please. I wonder, though, in which way betrayal of a wife gets HER reputation in trouble?
2011-12-12 11:01 pm
Pardon me for being direct, but unless this man is your husband then you have no right to be prying into his personal life and you really need to mind your business, live your own life and stop being so nosy.
2011-12-12 11:00 pm
no matter anyone's marital status, to be involved with a student is unethical because of unequal status or power dynamics of the relationship.

Bad move.
2011-12-12 11:08 pm
Repeat after me:

"None of my business."

You're talking about a 33 year old, not a 13 year old. Butt out.
2011-12-12 11:02 pm
i would warn the woman.

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