steel & concrete

2011-12-13 12:38 am
1- 點解我地一般都係用concrete structure 而唔用steel structure

除左concrete平d 同埋 多變性 之外 仲有咩因由????

2- 係極寒ga天氣下 steel 會變得脆D 咁concrete 會唔會
如果會 咁一般 用 concrete structure 好d 定steel structure ??

回答 (2)

2011-12-13 12:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
其實 concrete structure 同 steel structure 各有好處, 用邊樣設計就要睇有冇特別要求.

concrete 除咗成本比較平同可以做出唔同形狀, 另外 concrete 比較易做, 如果用 steel 就要考慮運送問題, 因為唔係週圍都可以有供應商, concrete 就除時可以原地生產.

响極嚴寒嘅天氣基本上兩種 structure 都唔應該有問題, 因為幾凍都可以用 design 嘅方法攪惦, 但係興建就好唔同, 因為 concrete 要做 curing, 唔可以响太凍嘅環境下施工, 但 steel 就冇呢個問題.
2011-12-18 7:57 am
durability, maintenance, and fire resistance are also the factors concerned.

i guess it is no big deal if you are talking about around -40C to -50C. but if in the extreme conditions, the reaction of cement to water (should be ice) could be affected to form concrete.

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 21:53:49
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