中文翻譯成英文兩句 (有自己嘗試寫)

2011-12-12 8:26 pm
1. 可不可以幫我檢查一下為什麼11月的XXX cost會跌了1000元,而導致Gross Margin %超過平時正常水平(約11至16%)
2. 請問為什麼Gross Margin會高於正常的水平,會否因為revenue有特殊因素把GM %拉高。
我有看到關於peter send給我們的comment(comment內容),但仍未能完全解決我們的問題1.Would you please help me to check why November XXX cost was drop by 1k, so that November XXX gross margin % is over normal trend (average 11~17%)? I have read a comment from Peter (comment內容), but it is not enough to solve my question.2.Would you please help me to check why XX GM % is over normal trend, is there a special reason from revenue?

回答 (1)

2011-12-13 12:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
請別介意我直言, 你的英文太中文化, 有點生硬。參考一下我的: 1. Would you please tell me why the overhead of November was decreased by 1000 dollars? Relatively, this has resulted an increase of gross profit margin which is above average (normally about average 11~17%).2. Would you please tell me why the gross profit margin is above average? Whether or not some specific factors related to revenue were present? We have read the comments from Peter. However, the comments did not explain well about the situation.

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