
2011-12-12 6:31 pm


回答 (4)

2011-12-12 7:35 pm
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我們的情誼自從到了牛津就開始連上,雖然我們來自不同的國家,彼此的性格卻非常的契合,I remembered that we built the friendship when we were in the Oxford . Though we are from different countries, our personalities are very correspondant mutually. 我印象最深刻的就是在牛津你即將要回香港,那晚留著彼此不捨的淚水,我們哭了好久,There was one thing impressed me on my heart till now , at the time to bid farewell when you left Oxford to be back to Hong Kong., we two could hardly tear ourselves from each other and kept crying for longer time. 我永遠記得我們的那首「約定」,約定著一定要再見面,There is a song named “appointment” which hints that we both will meet each other someday, it's my favorite one still on my heart. 沒想到我們真的又見面了,你來台灣,我去香港,我們的情誼就這樣一直延續下去,What a surprise that we really meet each other again when you visit Taiwan or I go to Hong Kong , our friendship has continued down this way. 相信你能朝著你的夢想,你所喜愛的生物與物理努力下去,有朝一日,一定能到達我們夢想中的法國,完成我們彼此的夢想!I believe that you will pursuit of your dream to devote yourself in the biology and physics fields continually; and we both will realize our dream to meet each other in France someday.
聖誕節快樂 Merry X’mas!!
2011-12-13 12:14 am

I remembered that we built the friendship when we were in the Oxford . Though we are from different countries, our personalities are very correspondant mutually. There was one thing impressed me on my heart till now , at the time to bid farewell when you left Oxford to be back to Hong Kong., we two could hardly tear ourselves from each other and kept crying for longer time. There is a song named “appointment” which hints that we both will meet each other someday, it's my favorite one still on my heart. What a surprise that we really meet each other again when you visit Taiwan or I go to Hong Kong , our friendship has continued down this way. I believe that you will pursuit of your dream to devote yourself in the biology and physics fields continually; and we both will realize our dream to meet each other in France someday. Merry X’mas!!
2011-12-12 6:50 pm
Since our friendship to begin even at Oxford, although we come from different countries, each other's personality was very fit, impressed me the most impressive is that you are about to return to Hong Kong at Oxford, saved for mutual loss that night tears we cried for a long time, I'll always remember the song " Convention "conventions must meet again, but we really met again, you come to Taiwan, I went to Hong Kong, our friendship has been retained, as you can towards your dream, your favorite biology and physical effort one day will certainly be able to reach our dreams in France, complete our dreams!Merry Christmas
2011-12-12 6:48 pm
Our friendship since arriving in Oxford began to even, although we come from different countries, each other's character was very fit, I most impressive is in Oxford is going to you return to Hong Kong, leave the house that night each other the tears, we cry for a long time, I'll always remember our song "engagement", agreed the must meet again, have never thought we really meet again, you come to Taiwan, I went to Hong Kong, our friendship so had been continue, believe you are moving on to your dreams, and your favorite biological and physical effort down, one day, will arrive at our dream in France, complete we each other's dream!!!!!
Merry Christmas

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