科技英文簡報 英翻中

2011-12-12 9:38 pm
如下為需求的英文簡報內容, 請各位大大協助

1. 該廠廠能規劃為300K/月, 共分3條半成品與1條組裝線
2. 如附件清單,安規申請機種共7序列機種
3. 預計明年1月下旬進行試產作業, 並於二月導入量產

回答 (3)

2011-12-13 8:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 該廠廠能規劃為300K/月, 共分3條半成品與1條組裝線The planed capacity for this factory is 300K per month.There are three manufacturing lines for semi-finished products and one assembly line. 2. 如附件清單,安規申請(通過)機種共7序列機種There are seven serial models had been applied for safety regulation certification as shown in the attached list. 申請機構為UL、TUV、UC等認證,安規申請已進行,預計明年1月中前完成These safety regulation certifications include UL, TUV and UC and had been already proposed. The finished date is forecasted to be in January middle next year. 3. 預計明年1月下旬進行試產作業, 並於二月導入量產The scheduled pilot run date will be on the latter part of January and the mass production date will be in February next year.
參考: 電腦週邊急救團
2011-12-13 12:16 am

The capacity for the plant is 300k sets monthly, there has 3 production lines for semi-product and one line for assembly.

As the list in the attachment file showing,. there are seven serial modes which are under application for safety certificate as UL., TUV and UC, etc., estimated completion date is before mid of January next year.
We plan to process pilot run in late of January, and get in the phase of mass production in February next year.
2011-12-12 10:28 pm
1. 該廠廠能規劃為300K/月, 共分3條半成品與1條組裝線The capacity for the plant is 300k sets monthly, there has 3 production lines for semi-product and one line for assembly.

2. 如附件清單,安規申請機種共7序列機種 申請機構為UL、TUV、UC等認證,安規申請已進行,預計明年1月中前完成As the list in the attachment file showing,. there are seven serial modes which are under application for safety certificate as UL., TUV and UC, etc., estimated completion date is before mid of January next year.

3. 預計明年1月下旬進行試產作業, 並於二月導入量產We plan to process pilot run in late of January, and get in the phase of mass production in February next year.

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