Transitive verbs

2011-12-12 5:33 am
I like the photograph of your home
係呢題度要搵object 但係個答案係冇object
the photograph of your home不是答案嗎 求解答...

對唔住,我搞錯左 冇object果題係咁既: It's a very good photo.(S+V+Adv+Adj+O??) 萬分抱歉! 還是不解..

回答 (4)

2011-12-12 11:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
答案係錯. 答案是: the photograph of your home 是 object. 書是印錯.

Like 多是 transitive verb, 你知道 transitive verb 要 object
Like可以做 intransitive verb, 這種多是 informal 或口語
e.g. I can give you her phone number, if you like.


I like the photograph of your home.

Format: subject + main verb + object

I (pronoun) = subject
like = transitive verb
the photograph of your home = object, 是 noun phrase

Noun phrase可以做 object.

Object 可以單字 noun, noun phrase 或 noun clause

I like mathematics. (noun)
I like my English teacher. (noun phrase)
I expect it’ll take long. (noun clause)

No offence to 意見者: aShlEy
the photograph of your home 不是 clause, 是 phrase
clause 不同 phrase, clause 一定有 verb.
我認同你說法, “外國人都唔識分析咁多”, 許多北美洲人連 tense分不清楚.
學習任何語言, 基本文法要學. 因為英語在香港人來說,是 second language, 每個語言有不同文法
usage 困難過 grammar, 無 rule 可跟, 無得解釋. 許多例外
有時文章內容, 流暢 (尤其用字) 重要過文法. 這是愚見.
Thank you for the sharing.

2011-12-12 21:40:06 補充:
To 回答者:CtC

From Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary:

- ( grammar ) a group of words that includes a subject and a verb, and forms a sentence or part of a sentence.

2011-12-12 21:42:12 補充:
From Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary:

- a group of words, consisting of a subject and a finite form of a verb (= the form that shows the tense and subject of the verb) which might or might not be a sentence

2011-12-18 02:49:07 補充:
It's a very good photo. (S + V + Complement)

It = subject,
Is = linking verb
a very good photo = complement

photo不是 object

Complement is a noun group or adjective which comes after the linking verb and gives more information about the subject or object.
e.g. He is a teacher.
teacher = complement

2011-12-18 08:07:01 補充:
It is a very good photo.

“photo” is not the object because “is” a linking verb, not a transitive verb. Only transitive verb has an object.
“photo” is not the subject although it and photo refer to the same thing. As far as I know, there is no such sentence pattern, S + V + S

2011-12-18 08:15:39 補充:
a = indefinite article
very = adverb
good = adjective
photo = noun

“a very good photo” is a noun phrase. It functions as a complement. (i.e. subject complement)
It - pronoun (the only subject in this sentence)
2011-12-18 6:22 am
It's a very good photo.(S+V+Adv+Adj+O??)

very good 只係用作形容PHOTO.
以上的句子可以簡化成it is a photo.(s+v+o);s=it,v=is; o= a photo

就如. it is a cat. 再詳細D係只咩貓>>可改成.it is a black cat.>再詳細D>it is a extremely black cat.

2011-12-16 5:54 pm
I eat an apple,個apple都係object,除非不及物動詞,I sleep先會冇object,但呢個最簡單,唔使動腦.因為冇講過object係人/事/物,都可以,只要係subject(主語)嘅副名詞(object/受詞)同個subject I對稱.但the photo of your home係clause.佢會唔會出錯?我個人真係解唔通,乜e+讀英文,重要分析文法嘅咩?文法嘅嘢唔錯就得,外國人都唔識分析咁多.

2011-12-16 09:54:55 補充:
2011-12-12 4:31 pm
"clause 一定有 verb" 我不太同意!

A clause is also a sentence.

sentence or clause一定有 subject and predicate.

Consider the following sentence

"I cook my dinner".

"I" is the subject

"cook my dinner" is the predicate, "cook" is the simple predicate.

Consider the following statement:

"cook my dinner"

This is a phrase, although it has a verb "cook", it does not have a "subject".

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