關於英文Tense 問題

2011-12-11 10:28 pm
我想問has reached 同 is reached 係咪都係present perfect tense?
同埋had been reached 呢一類係乜野tense?
仲有我想問甘was reached 係咪又係同had reached 係同一類呢
仲有我想問點解有野有d問題係用was 問有d係用had 問兩者有乜分別?

回答 (3)

2011-12-12 7:23 pm
has reached 是 present perfect in active voice
is reached 是 present simple in passive voice
had been reached 是past perfect in passive voice
was reached 是 past simple in passive voice
had reached 是 past perfect in active voice

最基本你要清楚知道各種 tense 不同 format:

Present simple
I/You/We/They eat a pear.
He/She eats a pear. (Third person singular)
A pear is eaten by me/you/us/them/him/her. (passive voice)

Present continuous (am/is/are + verb-ing)
I am eating a pear.
He/She is eating a pear.
You/We/They are eating a pear.
A pear is being eaten by me/you/him/her/us/them. (passive voice)

Present perfect (have/has + past participle)
I/You/We/They have eaten a pear.
He/She has eaten a pear.
A pear has been eaten by me/you/him/her/us/them. (passive voice)

Past simple (past tense of the verb)
I/You/He/She/We/They ate a pear.
A pear was eaten by me/you/him/her/us/them.(passive voice)

Past continuous (was/were + verb-ing)
I/He/She was eating a pear. You/We/They were eating a pear.
A pear was being eaten by me/him/her/us/them. (passive voice)

Past perfect (had + past participle)
I/You/He/She/We/They had eaten a pear.
A pear had been eaten by me/you/him/her/us/them.

Past participle有兩個功能, 使用做 perfect tense 和 passive voice

have/has/had + past participle做 perfect tense (active voice)
has/have /had + been + past participle做 perfect tense (passive voice)
am/is/are/was/were + past participle做 simple tense (passive voice)
am/is/are/was/were + being + past participle做 continuous tense (passive voice)

Perfect continuous tense
has/have + been + verb-ing (present perfect continuous)
e.g. I have been living here for two years
had + been + verb –ing (past perfect continuous)
e.g. The driver who died had been drinking.

2011-12-31 03:16:23 補充:
is reaching -present continuous; active
was beaten -past simple; passive
has been arrested -present perfect; passive
had been reaching -past perfect continuous; active

你要知道 active voice 與 passive voice 之分別

2011-12-31 03:41:21 補充:
Was that thief arrested by police yesterday? 那小偷昨天被警方逮捕?(past simple, passive)
~ the time frame is yesterday, 指明昨天, happened in the past.

Has that thief been arrested by police? 那小偷被警方逮捕? (present perfect, passive)
~ up to this moment, 直到這一刻, 涉及now, 可能前幾天, 可能剛剛, 可能未, 問者不知道
2011-12-12 4:16 am
Whether ting hing or not, The past perfect and past participle should be learnt.
(1)past perfect:-(grammar)The past perfect is the tense of a verb that shows the action described by the verb was finished before a particular time or event in the past. In English ,the past perfect is formed with had and a past participle,eg We had reached Mt.Alps and were buried under an avalanche when the snow fell. When we arrived or reached the station,the train had gone.

(2)past participle:-(grammar)The past participle of the verb is the form ending in "-ed","-en",or "t" which is used to form the perfect tense(they have reached),the passive form(we were reached with cold blooded welcome) and is an adjective before nouns (their reached hands cannot touch anything in the dark)
2011-12-11 10:59 pm
Q.我想問has reached 同 is reached 係咪都係present perfect tense?
A.has reached係present perfect tense,is reached係present continuous tense係吳同...
Q.同埋had been reached 呢一類係乜野tense?
A.係Past Perfect Progressive Tense
Q.仲有我想問甘was reached 係咪又係同had reached 係同一類呢
A.past perfect tense
Q.仲有我想問點解有野有d問題係用was 問有d係用had 問兩者有乜分別?
A.was 果d係Past continuous tense,had果d係past perfect tense
參考: 自己

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