✔ 最佳答案
依我睇, 佢E+對你已經冇晒feel, 你係佢心目中一可有可無. 你睇, 佢冇事要你入ge話都5會call你la. 佢E+根本就係利用你, 5好再理佢la. 你自己問下自己:佢值5值得你繼續愛佢???
你放棄佢la. 我聽過E句"When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the open one which has been opened for us." 你E+咪係咁lol, 成日諗住同X girfriend以前ge開心史, 但你又有冇諗過佢可能己經望得 一 - 乾 - 二 - 淨 ? 你一直諗住同佢cool bowl, 但係可能有令一個女仔E+勁愛你, 但冇同你講. 一直係你背後默默咁支持你, 日日聽你同你X girlfriend ge苦水. 佢好5開心, 因為你心入面冇佢. 到你終於發現, 人地已經塭到另一個人黎代你la. 放低佢, 多D留意身邊ge"人" 同 "事". 5好錯過D機會.