英文翻譯 (麻煩大大幫幫忙 急救

2011-12-12 6:22 am
The year is 810 A.D. You're a powerful ruler.You have control over a huge empire.Today these lands are called France' the Netherlands' Belgium' Luxembourg'ltalu' Spain' and parts of Germany .
You're a fighting man and a gert warrior.You live in dangerous' violent times.
You've seen much blood and death in your life.You probably will see more before you die. You need to keep order within an enormous area.
You have ene,ies everywhere.What is the most powerful tool you can use?Swords?Thousands of fighting men? No.Valuable education.

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回答 (3)

2011-12-12 7:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
gert warrior - 我懷疑您打錯,可能應該是 great warrior

The year is 810 A.D. You're a powerful ruler.You have control over a huge empire.Today these lands are called France' the Netherlands' Belgium' Luxembourg'ltalu' Spain' and parts of Germany .
You're a fighting man and a gert warrior.You live in dangerous' violent times.
You've seen much blood and death in your life.You probably will see more before you die. You need to keep order within an enormous area.
You have ene,ies everywhere.What is the most powerful tool you can use?Swords?Thousands of fighting men? No.Valuable education.

2011-12-13 12:20 am
今年是西元 810年你是一個功能強大的統治者。您可以控制龐大的帝國。今天這片土地稱為法國荷蘭比利時 'Luxembourg'ltalu' 西班牙' 和德國的部分。你是一個戰鬥的人和格特戰士。你住在危險 ' 暴力時代。你看到很多血和死亡在你的生活中。您可能會看到更多你死前。您需要巨大的地區內維持秩序。你已烯,於世界各地。您可以使用的最強大的工具是什麼?劍嗎?成千上萬的勇士嗎?號有價值的教育。
2011-12-12 4:19 pm
今年是西元 810你是一個功能強大的統治者。您可以控制龐大的帝國。今天這片土地稱為法國荷蘭比利時 'Luxembourg'ltalu' 西班牙' 和德國的部分。你是一個戰鬥的人和格特戰士。你住在危險 ' 暴力時代。你看到很多血和死亡在你的生活中。您可能會看到更多你死前。您需要巨大的地區內維持秩序。你已烯,於世界各地。您可以使用的最強大的工具是什麼?劍嗎?成千上萬的勇士嗎?號有價值的教育。

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 18:24:29
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