
2011-12-12 12:26 am
Erika :舊鄰居Helen :新鄰居一大早H:聽說這裡社區的環境非常好,我就搬過來了,希望能遇到好鄰居。E:不好意思,請問妳是誰?H:我是剛搬來的新鄰居,我叫Helen,我住這裡,很高興認識妳!E:我也很高興認識妳!我叫ErikaH:好的!再見! 這位小姐看起來挺友善的,真是走運了!晚上11點Boom!!!!!!!!Boom!!!!!!!!Boom!!!!!!!!Boom!!!!!!!!H:Erika她家怎麼發出這麼多噪音阿?都不能睡覺了!!Knock!!!!!!! Knock!!!!!!!Knock!!!!!!!E:誰呀?H:我是妳早上見過面的新鄰居Helen。Erika 將門打開E:這麼晚了請問有甚麼事嗎?H:很抱歉打擾到妳,不過可以小聲一點嗎?妳已經吵到我了!!E:很抱歉!我馬上關掉!
H:謝謝妳的配合!隔天早上E:垃圾丟在這裡應該不會怎麼樣吧?五分鐘後H:我的老天!!是誰把垃圾丟在這裡的??也太臭了吧!該不會又是Erika?!Knock!!!!!!! Knock!!!!!!!Knock!!!!!!!E:請問有甚麼事?H:抱歉又來跟妳抱怨,不過那袋垃圾是妳丟的嗎?E:哦…是的,怎麼了?H:怎麼又是妳?為甚麼要做這種事?能不能停止這愚蠢的行為?E:好…好的…不會再這樣了…H:下次如果又被我發現我就拿雨傘去砸妳家E:好的,我答應妳!不會再有下次了!再見!!H:再見!到了晚上Knock!!!!!!! Knock!!!!!!!Knock!!!!!!!H:妳知道這附近哪裡可以買到最近流行的CD嗎?E:最近百貨公司那有家很有名的唱片行,而且他們的店員都很友善。H:那裡東西都很貴嗎?E:沒有,而且很便宜!!H:喔~謝謝妳~

回答 (3)

2011-12-12 7:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Erika : The old neighborHelen : The new neighborIn the early morning. H: I’ve heard about the how wonderful the environment is in this neighborhood, so I moved here. Hopefully I can meet great neighbors. E: Excuse me. May I ask who you are?H: I just moved in. My name is Helen and I live here. Nice to meet you!E: Nice to meet you too. I’m Erika. H: Ok. Bye! This lady looks pretty friendly. I’m lucky. 11pmBoom!!!!!!!!Boom!!!!!!!!Boom!!!!!!!!Boom!!!!!!!!H: Why happened with the noises from Erika’s place? I can’t fall asleep!Knock!!!!!!! Knock!!!!!!!Knock!!!!!!!E: Who is it?H: It’s Helen, the new neighbor you met this morning.Erika opened the door.E: It’s late now, what can I do for you?H: I’m so sorry to bother, but would you mind turning down the voice? I was annoyed.E: I’m sorry. I’ll turn it off right away. H: Thank you very much. The next morning.E: It should be ok to throw the garbage here.Five minutes laterH: Oh my God! Who threw the garbage here? It smells awful! Don’t tell me it’s Erika again!Knock!!!!!!! Knock!!!!!!!Knock!!!!!!!E: How can I help?H: I’m sorry to complain again, but did you throw that garbage? E: Oh…yes, what about that?H: You again? Why did you do that? Can you stop those stupid behaviors?E: O…ok…I won’t do it again…H: If I find out about this next time, I’ll take an umbrella to smash your place. E: Ok, I promise! There won’t be next time! Bye.H:Bye!
In the evening. Knock!!!!!!! Knock!!!!!!!Knock!!!!!!!H: Do you know any places nearby where I can buy the latest CDs? E: There is a famous record store in the department store nearby. The staffs are friendly as well.H: Are the goods expensive?E:No, they are cheap. H: Ok. Thank you.
參考: 自己
2011-12-13 12:27 am
Erika: the old neighborhood
Helen: new neighbors
Early in the
H: hear about community environment here is very good, I'll move, hoping to have good neighbors.
E: excuse me, may I ask who you are?
H: I just moved to a new neighbor, my name is Helen, I live here, very glad to meet you!
E: I am very glad to meet you! my name is Erika
H: Yes! bye! The lady looks quite nice, really lucky!
11 o'clock
Boom!!!!!!!! Boom!!!!!!!! Boom!!!!!!!! Boom!!!!!!!!
H:Erika her home how to make so much noise? can't sleep now!!
Knock!!!!!!! Knock!!!!!!! Knock!!!!!!!
E: who?
H: I'm your new neighbor Helen met this morning.
Erika door open
E: very late, are there any thing?
H: I'm sorry to bother you, but you can keep it down a bit? you have to fight me!!
E: so sorry! I'll turn off!H: thank you for you cooperation!
The next morning
E: Trash here shouldn't be what?
After five minutes
H: my God!! Who is in the trash?? Also smells! it is not Erika?!
Knock!!!!!!! Knock!!!!!!! Knock!!!!!!!
E: are there any?
H: sorry to go with you complaining, but the bag of garbage is you lost it?
E: sth Yes, what?
H: how are you? why do you want to do such a thing? if I could stop this stupid behavior?
E: good sth Good sth No longer sth
H: next time if I found I will take an umbrella to hit your home
E: OK, I promise you! there will be no more next time! bye!!
H: Goodbye!
In the evening
Knock!!!!!!! Knock!!!!!!! Knock!!!!!!!
H: you know where can I buy a CD of popular around here?
E: recently that there is a very famous record shop in department stores, and their staff are very friendly.
H: things are very expensive?
E: no, and they're cheap!!
H: Oh ~ thank you ~
2011-12-12 6:00 pm
Erika: the old neighborhood
Helen: new neighbors
Early in the
H: hear about community environment here is very good, I'll move, hoping to have good neighbors.
E: excuse me, may I ask who you are?
H: I just moved to a new neighbor, my name is Helen, I live here, very glad to meet you!
E: I am very glad to meet you! my name is Erika
H: Yes! bye! The lady looks quite nice, really lucky!
11 o'clock
Boom!!!!!!!! Boom!!!!!!!! Boom!!!!!!!! Boom!!!!!!!!
H:Erika her home how to make so much noise? can't sleep now!!
Knock!!!!!!! Knock!!!!!!! Knock!!!!!!!
E: who?
H: I'm your new neighbor Helen met this morning.
Erika door open
E: very late, are there any thing?
H: I'm sorry to bother you, but you can keep it down a bit? you have to fight me!!
E: so sorry! I'll turn off!H: thank you for you cooperation!
The next morning
E: Trash here shouldn't be what?
After five minutes
H: my God!! Who is in the trash?? Also smells! it is not Erika?!
Knock!!!!!!! Knock!!!!!!! Knock!!!!!!!
E: are there any?
H: sorry to go with you complaining, but the bag of garbage is you lost it?
E: sth Yes, what?
H: how are you? why do you want to do such a thing? if I could stop this stupid behavior?
E: good sth Good sth No longer sth
H: next time if I found I will take an umbrella to hit your home
E: OK, I promise you! there will be no more next time! bye!!
H: Goodbye!
In the evening
Knock!!!!!!! Knock!!!!!!! Knock!!!!!!!
H: you know where can I buy a CD of popular around here?
E: recently that there is a very famous record shop in department stores, and their staff are very friendly.
H: things are very expensive?
E: no, and they're cheap!!
H: Oh ~ thank you ~

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