
2011-12-10 8:01 pm
Let f(x)=(x+3)/kx-2, where x is not equal to 2/k and k is a non zero constant. Let C be the curve y=f(x) with horizontal asymptote y= -1

a. write down the value of k
b. write down the equation(s)of the vertical asymptote(s) of C
c.Find f '(x) and hence find the range of x for which f(x) is increasing.

回答 (1)

2011-12-10 8:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
(a) f(x) = (x + 3)/(kx - 2) = (1 + 3/x)/(k - 2/x)

Let x -> infinity => k = -1

(b) f(x) = (x + 3)/(-x - 2)

So, the vertical asymptote of C is x = -2

(c) f(x) = -(x + 3)/(x + 2)


= - [(x + 2) - (x + 3)]/(x + 2)^2

= 1/(x + 2)^2

So, the range of x for which f(x) is increasing are (-infinity,-2),(-2,infinity)

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