
2011-12-10 5:16 pm

Thank you very much! But....点解日頭部機又未死過喔???

回答 (3)

2011-12-10 8:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
sd card損壞也會導致無限重啟。先抽起sd卡看看,不能解決的話最好back左data先。(用kies也可以做backup),然後照以下方法格式化手機。排除軟件衝突問題。(還不行的話就去朗豪坊整。)




选择wipe data/factory和wipe cache,分别确认执行一次,格式化内置SD卡,在手机端操作。

2011-12-11 13:08:45 補充:
2011-12-10 10:05 pm
thank you very much!
2011-12-10 5:45 pm
I'm Alvin. Hope I can help you.I think your computer have virus, so your computer have the problem like this!If your computer can go to the Internet, please download the anti-virus software like avast!, NOD32 or some more (but I think avast! is better) and scan your computer.If virus found, please delete it.If can't find the virus, I think it's the bug of the Windows and you may re-install it.If your anti-virus software can't delete the virus, please turn on the computer again or you may download another better anti-virus software.If can't solve the problem, please turn on the computer again (but you should press F8 before your computer show the Windows screen because you can't do it, you can't go to the safe mode.) and press F8.If you can go to the safe mode and your menu isn't like your photo, please use safe mode to use your computer.If can't, please contact some people can setup your computer to setup it. Or I think you may go to the system recorvery!
參考: myself!

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