Selling through Craigslist?

2011-12-09 9:22 pm
We posted an item for sale in craigslist, and I got an inquiry about it. I told the guy that it was still available, and he sent me an e-mail back telling me to consider it sold. Typically, when I've sold through craigslist, we'll determine a place to meet and they'll pay in cash. However, this guy wants me to send him my address, then he would send me a certified check in the mail and send a "shipper" to pick up the item after I've cashed the check. Is this normal or safe? I'm a little nervous about giving my address.

回答 (7)

2011-12-09 9:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
This is NOT normal and probably a scam. I would write him off all together if he won't meet you in a public place with cash.
2011-12-10 5:23 am
It a scam. Ignore him. Don't send him any information.

Wait for a real local buyer and sell it in person.
2011-12-10 5:24 am
Total scam
2011-12-10 6:05 am
I remembered reading about this and I found it.
2011-12-10 5:33 am
Only except Cash in person or Paypal as payments on goods sold on craigslist ... it is a true scammers haven because of the freedom of the site. I love craigslist but will only except cash or paypal as payments and will only meet people in the day time in a well known area such as a mall parking lot.

i love paypal as a payment method because all the person needs to know to send you a payment is your email address(safe/secure)
I also will be armed or with a friend .... you have to be safe these days.

if you think this guy is legit on his offer, just politely decline the certified check and ask him to create a paypal account ... its quick and easy

never give your address to anyone on craigslist
參考: craigslist seller and buyer ... never been scammed
2011-12-11 2:43 am
Most likely it is a scam. Either take cash or go through a escrow service,
2011-12-10 5:28 am
Since he is offering you to cash the check before pickup, no reason it isn't safe. Take the check to the bank and get it verified. If everything is OK, then it is OK. If not, you still have the item and you can ask the bank to manage an evil check or simply return it to the sender in certified mail.

Giving out your home address is a separate concern. If you do not know the person then there is a rare chance they could be a criminal and may mean harm or have intent to steal the item sold, etc.

However, that is the exception(!!!) not the standard. Make your decision as to how comfortable you feel with the individual involved. Ask for other arrangements if you are not comfortable. There is nothing in this world worth stressing over -- it is all about making good choices in life.

Although it is OK what he is asking, maybe different than the average - it remains up to you and your family to decide.

No - it is not normal. I would not sell to him, it it was me.

Good luck.
參考: Another PC Tech (and Craigs List user)

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