photoelectric effects

2011-12-10 4:25 am
A monochromatic light source emits light of wavelength 入 at a power of P.
a) find an expression for the rate at which photons are emitted.
b) show that the average separation of the photons is d=[(h)(c^2)]/入P

you may assume planck constant h and the speed of light c.

回答 (1)

2011-12-10 5:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
(a) Energy of a photon = hc/入
Since P = energy emitted in 1 second = nhc/入
where n is the no. of photons emitted in 1 second
hence, n = P入/hc

(b) In 1 second, there are n photons emitted and these photons are spreaded over a distance of c (metres)
Hence, separation between photons = c/n = hc^2/P入

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