sentence corr.

2011-12-10 3:26 am
I was appalled that the food was pour down everywhere.

請問如何將was pour轉verb,

thx a lot!

我寫嘅系投訴信, 成句句子系 when I went to take the food,I was appalled that the food was pour down everywhere. 我已經改正為 when I went to take the food,I was appalled that the food poured down everywhere. 老師就圈住poured down問我到底有冇查字典... 甘我應該點改好?? 麻煩曬~


投訴內容系講餐廳張枱D野全部瀉曬,周圍都系, P.S.個老師太恐怖唔敢問...

回答 (5)

2011-12-10 6:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
(1) Pour (transitive verb) - to make a liquid or something flow from a container in a continuous stream.
Format: Someone + pours (poured) + something (usually a liquid)

(2) Pour (intransitive verb) - to come out quickly in a continuous stream
Format: Something ((e.g. blood, sweat, tears , smoke…etc) + pour + down, out, out, from

(3) Pour (intransitive verb) - to rain heavily without stopping.
The rain continued to pour down.

你的句子錯. Food 不會自動地流出(湧出), 例如 blood, tears

如果第一 個definition, format 用錯.
Format 是: “People poured down the food.” Or “Food was poured down.”

Even 以上句子是錯, 通常 pour water, wine (liquid)

選擇 scatter 比較適宜

When I went to take the food, I was appalled that the food was scattered everywhere.

2011-12-09 22:17:52 補充:
不用 scatter, 可用 throw, drop

When I went to take the food, I was appalled that the food was thrown (dropped) over everywhere.

2011-12-10 01:38:28 補充:
No offence to 回答者: Cheuk Yin

“Pour down” is a very common verbal phrase.

The following sentences are quoted from Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary:

Tears poured down his cheek.
She poured the boiling water down the sink.
The rain continued to pour down.
參考: Longman English Dictionary
2011-12-14 11:42 am
我發現兩個問題,第1個問題,其他人都提出咗,應該用被動語態,因為食物由容器裡面被動咁倒咗出嚟,係應該用was poured dwun文法先啱.第2個問題係語感,pour指倒瀉水,如果你食物(food)唔係流質/液體,例如粥/多汁/汽水,你用呢個字唔多啱,用scattered會啱d,但你冇提全個情況,畀人撞倒,佢擺得唔好定乜呢?你投訴信要寫清楚.本來想叫你問老師,不過你講到佢好似好惡咁嘅...
2011-12-10 7:24 pm

when I went to take the food,I was appalled that the food was pour down everywhere.

其實上面呢句, 用被動句係岩的.因為food係被人倒瀉左, food 不會自己倒瀉的. 但係被動式句子的動詞必須係過去分詞/past participle.而pour的過去分詞係poured,所以你老師話你無查字典就係咁解.

正確句子應該把pour 改為poured, when I went to take the food,I was appalled that the food was poured down everywhere.

記住如果句子無左was ,就唔係被動式,就會錯了.所以WAS不可以省略.
2011-12-10 7:19 am
In my opinion, the word 'down' is unnecessary in this case because 'pour' already includes the meaning of it.
2011-12-10 3:51 am
In sentence correction"was pour"turns into a verb .It usually has the meaning un-hygenic after food have been kept hidden for sometime and came pouring out.Past continuous tense be used,eg
that the food was pouring out everywhere.
that the food was poured out(outpouring) everywhere, related past participle tense.
that the food poured down everywhere,related a simple past tense.
All gives an account of sth unhygenic.

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