除左用cry黎形容喊 仲有無其它?

2011-12-08 11:24 pm


回答 (3)

2011-12-09 12:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
Plz 10
(1)I just couldn't stop tear-soddening my eyes.
(2)I was tear-sodden for my dead mother.
(3)It's all right,dont be sad with 2 tear-sodden eyeballs.
(4)Produce tears from your sodden eyes because you are unhappy,hurt or sad.
(5)He felt like a little tearing down from eyes with sodden sadness.

(6)Its no use crying over a devorced B.F.
(7)I found her tear-sodden eye-chambers wet with tears.
(8)She cried in eye-sodden manner when she lost her parents.She had a pair of tear-sodden eye-chambers.
(9)She prayed to the Churchyard and had 2 tear-sodden eye-balls to her dead parents.
(10)That night she had a pair of tear-sodden eyeballs in the tragedy..........

2011-12-08 16:42:00 補充:
sob=to cry noisily.She started to sob uncontrollably.
weep=literary cry.She started to weep over her mother's death.
lament=sadness.She laments the destruction of the Saikung countryside!
shed tears=She shed tears of happiness in the joy of her marriage!yet funeral music are filled with tears.
參考: me
2011-12-08 11:53 pm
Crying, sobbing嗚咽, weeping哭泣, 流淚 , bawling哽咽, and blubbering啜泣

2011-12-08 15:58:30 補充:
burst into tears 突然哭起來
shed tears 流淚

2011-12-08 16:11:59 補充:
lament 痛哭
howl 號啕大哭
squall 啼哭
waul 痛哭, 尖叫
mewl 低泣
pule 低聲啜泣
whine 哀嗚聲
scream 放聲大哭, 尖叫
moan 呻吟嗚咽聲
keening 慟哭
2011-12-08 11:52 pm

shed tears


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