luxury in life 是一個collocation?

2011-12-08 7:37 pm
luxury in life 是一個collocation? or Phrasal Verb

回答 (3)

2011-12-08 8:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
luxury in life is a collocation Phrasal verbs are usually two-word phrases consisting of verb + adverb or verb + preposition. A collocation is two or more words that often go together. Types of CollocationThere are several different types of collocation made from combinations of verb, noun, adjective etc. Some of the most common types are:Adverb + Adjective: completely satisfied (NOT downright satisfied) Adjective + Noun: excruciating pain (NOT excruciating joy) Noun + Noun: a surge of anger (NOT a rush of anger) Noun + Verb: lions roar (NOT lions shout) Verb + Noun: commit suicide (NOT undertake suicide) Verb + Expression With Preposition: burst into tears (NOT blow up in tears) Verb + Adverb: wave frantically (NOT wave feverishly)
2011-12-09 8:06 am
To bobo,
your answer is very clear and interesting. is there a reference for me to read more? thank you!
2011-12-08 8:54 pm
兩樣都唔係。首先,「luxury in life」中並不存在動詞,所以唔會係phrasal verb。其次,只有經常出現的慣性組合(例如:not at all, resounding success, crying shame, etc)我們才會稱為collocation,而「luxury in life」卻不是。若想將「luxury in life」歸類,可對它作出分析。「luxury in life」的組合是noun + perpositional phrase,所以應當為noun phrase.

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