in / at

2011-12-08 7:31 pm
72 athletes will participate (in/at) Modern Pentathlon (in/at) the 2012 Olympic Games.

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2011-12-08 9:05 pm
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72 athletes will participate in Modern Pentathlon at the 2012 olympic Games.

2011-12-08 13:49:48 補充:
'AT' is used to show an exact point of time. 表示準確的時間
e.g. at one o'clock, at Christmas, at midnight

'IN' is used to show a certain period of time 表示某一段時間
e.g. in two months, in 1815, in the morning,

而2012 Olympic Games係準確指明係在2012年, 所以我覺得應該係用'at'
如果只係講the Olympic Game呢, 我便會用'in' 囉

2011-12-08 14:01:11 補充:
Participate in (often follow by ‘in’) 意思係參與
e.g. Everyone can participate in this game. 每人都可以參加這遊戲.

Participate of 含有, 帶有
e.g. His poems participate of the nature of satire. 她的詩帶有諷刺性.
2011-12-08 9:07 pm
72 athletes will participate in Modern Pentathlon in the 2012 Olympic Games.

1. participate in 為慣用語,意為「參加」。
2. in 和 at 都可用於指時間,at用於指一個特定時間,例如at Xmas、at noon、at 4th of July等等。而 in則用於指涉一段時間中的某一刻(during a period of time),如 in July、in 2011、in the morning、in 21th century等等。由於奧運會乃於一段時間中舉行,而句子也並未指出五項賽的舉行日,故應使用in。

2011-12-09 17:24:34 補充:
2012唔可以算為exact point of time,而係a certain period of time ,特別係奧運會賽事一般都有初賽、複賽、決賽,明顯係一個過程。如果你係想講Olympic Games 喺邊一年舉行,冇錯應該用at,因為對於四年一次嘅Olympic Games而言,一個年份已經足夠理解為an exact point of time;不過,對於一項在短時間內完成的比賽而言,歷時近一個月的Olympic Games就顯然係a certain period of time。

2011-12-09 17:28:05 補充:
There will be 102 athletes in the 100m race.

2011-12-09 17:34:10 補充:
同樣道理,at 通常指向一個定點;如果想表達「當比賽時…」會用「during the race」或「when they race」。而若要表達「在某比賽中的情況」(如題),則是「in the race」。
2011-12-08 8:22 pm
72 athletes will participate in Modern Pentathlon in the 2012 Olympic Games. ^^

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