英文翻譯高手煩請進(15分) 感激!

2011-12-08 6:09 am
經過50份的問卷調查後,結果得出普遍市民(主婦為主)較多選擇去百佳和惠康超級市場,而選擇華潤超級市場則較少。為什麼呢?經過數據整合得出,主要有6項原因,在這項原因中,華潤超級市場的評分都是佔非常低分,其餘兩間超市都佔很高的分數。這6項包括:地理位置,價錢,貨物的種類,宣傳,優惠和整體服務(包括售後服務)。這也明顯反映出市民心目中理想的超市應具備的條件。而當中選擇華潤超級市場主要原因是價錢合理,而華潤的整體評分等級只獲得2分(1分最低,4分最高)。不算理想。 一間有吸引力的超級市場必須具備市民心目中的6大因素: 1.價錢便宜:這是市民選擇超級市場的首要條件,現在物價飛漲,市民都想購買到便宜的貨物來抗通脹,所以價格必須盡量符合市民要求。2.地理位置方便:這也是顧客的重要條件,地理位置佳則顧客不用長途跋涉來購物,這大大方便顧客,減輕他們的負擔。這也是捕捉顧客心理的必殺技,也可以令他們有歸屬感。3.多宣傳:宣傳的意義在於令顧客加深我們的印象,又可以為一些優惠作宣傳,吸引更多的顧客。4.提供更多貨品的種類:給顧客更多的選擇,令顧客可以購買自己的心頭好。那麼顧客開心,就是我們促進銷售額的目標。5.優惠:優惠是顧客每日必會留意的消息。我們可以推廣一些優惠給顧客,例如:買2送1,買1送1,折扣,清貨大減價等等,這樣不但可以幫助公司的營業額,也可以令顧客多留意公司的優惠。6.滿意的服務:一個好的服務(它包括員工的態度,主動性,效率;或者其他服務,如送貨等等。)能給顧客美好的印象,令顧客被我們的誠意打動,就會再次光顧我們。 想成為一家有吸引力的超市,就必須捕捉顧客心理,滿足顧客的6大要求。


回答 (2)

2011-12-09 1:33 am
✔ 最佳答案

From the results of 50 questionnaires by general citizen (mainly housewives), it is found that most of them choose to shop at Park N Shop and Wellcome supermarkets and less at CRC Shop. Why? According to the analysis, there are 6 major factors. They are: Location, Price, Selections, Advertisement, Special Offer and Overall Service (including After Sales Service). This reveals the criteria necessary to become a favourable supermarket. Among these criteria, the score of CRC Shop is very low, whereas the other two supermarkets have high marks. CRC Shop only score well in Price, still the overall rating is only 2 (Lowest=1, Highest=4), which is not satisfactory at all.
6 factors required to become an attractive supermarket in the heart of the public:Price is low: This is the foremost criterion people look for. During inflation, people wants to buy at the lowest price to optimize the monetary value. The pricing must be affordable.Location is convenience: This is of next importance. Well located store reduces travel time and distance of customer and lower the burden on shopping. This has psychological advantage as convenience makes it more homey.Advertisement frequencies: More advertisement increase the image of the brand in customer mind. To attract more customers, advertisement with special offer is essential.Product Selections: Provide variety of selection will give customer the choice of their own. This will make customer happier and at the same time achieve the sales revenue target.Special Offers: Customers are looking for special offers every day, so give them something to look forward to getting. E.g. Buy 2 Get 1 Free, Free item with each purchased item, Discount, Clearance Sale, etc. These kinds of special offers will let customer hooks on to purchase the special offers items and increase the sales revenue.
參考: 修改了少少原文編排和用字
2011-12-09 3:08 am
After 50 questionnaire surveys, finally obtains the universal resident (housewife primarily) to choose the May baker and Hui the Kang supermarket, but chooses the China nat'l resources supermarket then few.Why? Obtains after the data conformity, mainly has 6 reasons, in during this reason, China nat'l resources supermarket grading all occupies the unusual low score, other two supermarkets all occupy the very high score.This 6 items include: Geographical position, price, cargo type, propaganda, preferential benefit and whole service (including post-sale service).This also obviously reflected in the residential mind the ideal supermarket should have condition.
But middle chooses the China nat'l resources supermarket primary cause is the price is reasonable, but the China nat'l resources whole grading rank only obtains for 2 minutes (1 minute lowly, 4 minutes highest).Does not calculate the ideal.

Has the attraction supermarket to have to have in the residential mind 6 big factors: 1. prices are cheap: This is the resident chooses the supermarket the most important condition, now skyrocketing prices, the residents all want to purchase the cheap cargo to come the anti-bloating, therefore the price must conform to the resident to request as far as possible.2. geographical positions are convenient: This also is customer's important condition, the geographical position good then the customer does not need to make a long and wearisome journey the shopping, this facilitates the customer greatly, lightens their burden.This also is catches the customer psychology to have to kill the technique, also may make them have the sense of belonging.More than 3. propagandas: The propaganda significance lies in the customer is deepened our impression, also may create the propaganda for some preferential benefits, attracts more customers.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 18:52:02
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