
2011-12-08 5:12 am
英文水平太差,有無人可以幫我翻譯下!好急!! T^T

單位內按原圖之L位加設四吋寬輕磚牆身至天花頂(輕磚附有證書) 注: 以上工程不包括批盪

付款方法: 可以劃線支票付款,抬頭為『xxx』及請於工程後三天內付款。

回答 (2)

2011-12-12 4:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
To erect thickness of 100mm / 4 inches light weight block wall ( with 1hour fire resistance certificate ) at the L shape area up to structural ceiling as per the original floor plan of the flat shown.
(plastering / rendering not include. )
油漆批盪用plastering. 沙漿批盪用rendering.而輕磚用的批漿材料性質較接近rendering.

Please make crossed cheque payable XXX within three days of completion.
2011-12-10 2:17 am
1. 四吋寬是否指 4 吋厚?
2. 輕磚到底是什麽物料? 是否空心砂磚? 或輕石矢磚?
3. 証書証明什麽的? 產地? 材料? 防火標準? 隔熱功效?

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