
2011-12-07 11:29 pm
公司set 左以下問題, 有冇key point可以提示?? 謝謝~~ What were your achievements & successes? In your opinion, what could you have improved upon or what has caused disappointment ? Are there any aspects of your job or work environment that you would like to suggest or recommend could be changed to make things better ?

回答 (1)

2011-12-10 4:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
以多年HR經驗, 寫自己的APPRAISAL, 切忌誇大和脫離現實, 實話實說就得了。

寫自己的意見(comment), 除非您係懶到不得了, 建議寫diligent, initiative, responsible, work seriously, a fast learner, self-motivation和positive attitude 來形容自己的工作, 例如話自己在某件task達到指定目標, 工作上某方面(例如工作過程, 處理相類)事件進了步等。

但人不會十全十美, 您可以話您自己在其他方面可以改善, 例如communication and interpersonal skill。

至於目標(target), 您可以話您會setting the higher standard of performance和overcome more difficulties, 甚至話會進修一些training去改善和裝備自己, 例如I will take a short course for office administration training, I will study a diploma course for business administration等。

若然間公司會留意員工在appraisal寫甚麼, 應該會嘗試幫助員工, 否則appraisal只是淪為官樣文章。


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