transport in human (urgent!!)

2011-12-07 5:50 pm
1. How do white blood cells remove dead tissues of the body? engulf them?

2. Do white blood cells respond to viral infections?

3. What cells can squeeze through the walls of the capillary wall?

4. Are holes present in the walls of capillaries?

5. What causes the surge in blood pressure in the artery of the arm of a person? the contraction of the left ventricle or the constriction of the aorta? why?

回答 (1)

2011-12-14 1:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) yes, engulf them and digest them
2) yes, it is suppose to response to all non-self
3) many, this is how white cell travel around the body, and there are mechanism how cell would pass though membrane/blood vessel
4) no, there are specific mechanism that cell would fuse though the capillaries
5) both, the system blood pressure are generate by the push or contraction of heart muscle, at the local level, the body can further regulate the blood vessel. you can consider blood flow as a revel, and there are themes at different part to control the flow.

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 11:54:37
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