What problems will grow from cash handouts?

2011-12-07 3:56 am
What problems will grow from cash handouts?

people that work should not receive?


also talk about the goods

回答 (8)

2011-12-07 4:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
No one will feel motivated to work because they will get money anyway. Eventually our entire economy and society collapses.
2011-12-07 4:00 am
Lack of accountability. z
2011-12-07 4:28 am
You loose control of how the money is spent - which is why government poverty programs don't involve cash hand-outs and why the bank bailout was $700 billion thrown into the wind.
2011-12-07 4:01 am
Tough to fill jobs like these will have a hard time getting people to do them:

2011-12-07 4:00 am
it makes people dependent on handouts and does nothing to help people..
2011-12-07 3:58 am
People feel entitled to recieve a well fare check. This is not righteous. An able bodied person should work.
2011-12-07 3:58 am
45 million Americans are on food stamps... Up 74% since, 2007.

What do you think?
2011-12-07 3:57 am
everyone's gonna start saying that its not enough

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