Is it okay for Christians to use protection?

2011-12-07 3:37 am
Mind you, married Christian couples who do not, or only want a certain amount of kids?

Do any of you actually have scriptures or valid arguments for your views?

回答 (14)

2011-12-07 3:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
In the Bible, having children was seen as a blessing and in the farmer society where they lived, having more children for "workers" was an advantage. So in the Bible having children is seen as good.

However there is no specific verse anywhere against preventing pregnancies. In our current society, having lots of children becomes a burden rather than a blessing. So there is nothing wring with using a barrier (condom ,etc) to prevent pregnancy. Nor the use of a pill that prevents ovulation.

Where there is an issue is the "morning after" contraceptives that prevent a fertilized egg from implanting or developing. That amounts to an early abortions and is wrong.

God made us stewards over our lives and families. That would include controlling how many children we have so that we are able to love and provide for all of them.

Nothing wrong with a Christian using contraceptives.
2011-12-07 3:38 am
yes, it's okay.
2011-12-07 3:38 am
Should be mandatory.
2011-12-07 3:38 am
ask the popey dopey wope
2011-12-07 3:39 am
No, you must contract many STDs and give birth to several children a year.
2011-12-07 3:38 am
We talking bullet-proof vests or condoms?
2011-12-07 3:40 am
ALL kids should wear seatbelts, even the kids you don't want. It's the law.
2011-12-07 3:39 am
Yes it's okay.
2011-12-07 4:32 am
It is not sinful to use protection or not when having sexual intercourse. The only time it is sinful have sexual intercourse is when it is outside of a heterosexual marriage. It is sinful to have it outside of a heterosexual marriage because if it wasn't then it will enable humanity to have homosexual and/or promiscuous relations, both of which are mentally and physically unhealthy. Since these sexual lifestyles are unhealthy God made them sinful to protect humanity from such unhealthy choices.
2011-12-07 3:40 am
Of course.
2011-12-07 3:44 am
Somewhere in strict Catholicism, it's wrong to use contraceptives because you're "blocking God's love." But I think they've let up on that somewhat. I have no idea where they got this from, though.
2011-12-07 3:40 am
Yes it's ok nothing in the bible that god prohibit from using protection
2011-12-07 3:38 am
of coursee
2011-12-07 3:38 am
I'm screen-shooting this, and uploading this to /b/.

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