急 ! F4 數 Function 3

2011-12-06 12:42 am
請詳細步驟教我計以下一條 :


回答 (3)

2011-12-06 4:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
As the value in √ sign should be greater than or equal to 0

3x - 1> = 0 and x^2 + 1 >= 0

x >=1/3 or x^2 >= -1

So the domain is x >= 1/3 where x are real number
2011-12-06 9:16 am
首先 開方(x^2 +1) 是分母 ,所需考慮的domain 就在這兒開方(x^2 +1) ≠ 0 <--- 2邊平方
(x^2 +1)≠ 0
x^2 ≠ -1
x can be all real root
原因是只有分母唔等於0 , 個f(x)就唔會undefined!就有得計
所考慮的不是分子, 分子就算0了 最後答案F(x) =0 也是計到個值!
所以x既domain should be all real x

答案並不是 x>=1/3!!!
2011-12-06 2:03 am
When x >0 , F(x) is a real no.

therefore the largest domain is When x >0

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