請幫幫忙答了以下的appraisal 問題。
My position is Dept Admin and Secretary.
1. What are your main job responsibilities 2. Please list your most significant accomplishments during this appraisal period. 3. Have you successfully performed any new tasks or additional duties outside the scope of your regular responsibilities? If so, please specify. 4. Have any new responsibilities been removed from your job this year? If so, what? 5. What would help you to do your job better and provide greater job satisfaction? 6. To which of the following factors would you attribute your professional development since last year: off-site seminars/classes, on-site training, peer training, on-the-job experience, better exposure to challenging projects, other. Please describe. 7. What are your goals for next year and what action will you take to accomplish these goals? 8. What could your supervisor/manager do to support you in doing your job? 9. What additional support from your organization would help you do your job more effectively? 10.What recommendations do you have that would make this a better place to work? 11. Indicate your career interests, including the type of assignment you would like next.