practice makes perfect

2011-12-05 1:08 am
i want to know the meaning of practice makes perfect.
But can you use english to answer my question?
Can be longer!!!

回答 (2)

2011-12-06 7:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
This is a proverb which shows a relation between practising and the corresponding result you will obtain.
Practice means doing exercises and trainings regularly and repeatedly,
so that you can be familarized or even mastered the knowledge you want.
Perfect is often used for indicating a flewless solution or result, so that no one can challenge your performence.
When we say A makesB, it has a meanig of A leads to the appearance of B, and thats' the relationship between A and B. The word 'make' also has a meaning of 'producing something'. In that case, we can also conclude that
doing X and we will gain Y.
In this situation, A is practice while B is perfect. Hence, we can say
doing more exercises to practice and equip yourself will consequently
lead to a perfect result and no one can challenge you anymore in that aspecct.
2011-12-05 1:55 am
"practice makes perfect" simply means what practicing can lead to a perfect solution. If you want to do a thing best, you have to do a lot practice and training beforehand. For example, if you aim at 100 score in the final exam, you have to do a lot of exercises because "practice makes perfect".

hope this is what you want~

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