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Q: 我想問一下..其實increase in ke係咪令到個solid expand?
The solid expands because of the increase of average potential energy of molecules.
When a solid is heated, both the kinetic and potential energies of its molecules increase. Kinetic energy is just the increase in the frequency of vibration of molecules. The increase of potential energy indicates the average separation of molecules increases. As a result, this is observed macroscopically to be an increase in the volume of the solid, i.e. the solid expands.
Q: 因為solid expand ~所以pe又上升?
The reverse is true. As explained in the above question, solid expands is a result of the increase of average molecular separation, which is caused by the increase of molecular potential energy when the solid is heated.
Q: 咁諗岩5岩???仲有real gas 入面....temp上升會5會令到pe上升?
Molecules are already separated wide apart in gases. As such, molecular potential energy reaches its maximum. Any rise in temperature leads to the increase of kientic energy of gas molecules only. There is no further increase of molecular potential energy.