Ugliest Cat? Is this not edited?

2011-12-03 11:30 pm

回答 (8)

2011-12-03 11:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It is with out a doubt REAL.

I have seen a documentary about this cat, videos, pics and all that.

IT IS 100% REAL! I would bet my LIFE on it.

Though, i don't think it is ugly. I like how he looks and would love to have a cat like that! :) It is very unique and interesting.
參考: TV, internet, magazines, etc.
2011-12-04 9:50 am
It is not edited.
That cat lives at a veterinary clinic in Exeter, New Hampshire.
2011-12-04 8:02 am
Looks like a hairless cat that they wrapped a fur shall around.

Hairless cats look like do hairless dogs. So, THAT part is 'real'. They don't have any fur. But hairless cats don't usually have a shall of fur like this one has. I guess they gave her a little coat. (?!)
2011-12-04 7:54 am
I think its wax.
2011-12-04 7:45 am
he looks like some kind of lion or something lol
2011-12-04 7:34 am
It's real. Those are a certain breed of cats with the bald head and 'lion mane'. They are ugly for sure!
2011-12-04 7:31 am
its real
參考: you wasted 5 points :D
2011-12-04 7:31 am
he looks really badass in the second pic, i bow to this animal

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