
2011-12-03 11:27 pm
請問"挑食的小豬" 翻成英文怎麼翻較適合當做兒童繪本的書名???

回答 (9)

2011-12-04 12:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
就是: Picky Pig 了, 簡潔有力也可愛,容易吸引孩子的目光.
2011-12-05 11:57 pm
The Picky Piglet 才對
Pig = 大豬
piglet = 小豬
2011-12-05 2:49 pm
Shouldn't it be "Miss Picky Piggy"?
2011-12-04 7:37 am
挑食的小豬Fussy pig
挑食的Picky eater小豬Little pig
2011-12-04 3:01 am
The Picky Pig. / The Picky Pigs

2011-12-04 1:31 am
I am expert on this by experiences.

Finicky Piglet - she used to be my best friend.
She was so finicky and got hospitalized for malnutrition and never came back to my school.

2011-12-04 04:24:33 補充:
not true - the book is about a smart, kind, healthy piglet with sole problem of being finicky. That created a few sticky problems for her in the otherwise rewarding life of hers.

2011-12-05 07:35:32 補充:
I think, in US, being finicky is much more tolerated than being picky. As it can be seen in Micky Dee's- most the the french fries were thrown away by kids.

Being picky is a brat!
2011-12-03 11:40 pm
The Selecting Food Pig

註- Selecting food:挑食

2011-12-03 11:32 pm
Pig picky eaters
當童書ㄉ書名我覺得The pig are fussy eaters比較好
參考: google翻譯
2011-12-03 11:31 pm
picky eating little pig ...

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